It sounds like a cliché: ‘You will only get a chance once to make a first impression’. There will certainly be a second time, but in practice a fantastic first impression gives you a head start. Think of people visiting your website while googling. Receive your business card at a convention or network event. Or when you make a PowerPoint presentation for a group of people.
We help you to let your business identity speak for you. From us you will receive a sharply chosen and distinctive corporate identity that will let people experience what you stand for and how you do things. A corporate identity style that evokes the right associations from your target groups and creates an emotional connection. We will make sure that you have everything to go public with your corporate identity immediately – and through time – in a gripping and unequivocal way. That you can further develop the preferences of your target groups through consistent recognition and experience of your work.
A complete corporate identity package designed by top designers who have been developing house styles for a wide range of customers.
1. Initial interview
2. Design proposal logo
3. Complete, definitive house style
4. Business card
5. E-mail signature
6. Logo file formats
7. Social media files
8. Corporate identity document
9. Your property for 100%
Intraservice BV, founded in 1983, is an internationally operating marketing, consultancy and training firm for challenges at the front of business. Specialist in B2B communication, branding, marketing and sales. Since 1988 we have helped companies and organisations all over the world to bring focus into and get result from their marketing and sales efforts. Our designers have 17 years of experience and designed over 250 house styles. As a firm, Intraservice has worked on development and growth in 43 countries with countless organisations. Intraservice helps you to gain access, connect and grow. We offer our services in German, English, Dutch, and Spanish.
Want to know more? Please contact us. During a non-committal meeting, we will tell you everything about our Corporate Identity Package. Call us at +31 180 321346 or mail us.